Mahabodhi school


President Desk

Welcome to Mahabodhi School

A culture of excellence, possibilities and extraordinary care. Human life is a great chance and opportunity to do great things. Great thing is to develop our mind by help of education. School life begins from a childhood. Child hood is a series of long, incredible days and incredibly short year. No matter how long or short child stay in Mahabodhi school. We encourage to make every year count for your child.

We only live the dream when our great opportunity in our school also becomes unforgettable learning adventure for children. To begin, try, using excellence possibilities and extraordinary care as filters, when looking for the value of any school. There are the hallmarks of Mahabodhi School. Our admission field guide offers evidence of proven teaching and learning excellence. The programme planning base on holistic education .The holistic education care bring child gradual development ,physical fitness, emotional balance, strength ,social responsibilities, Aesthetic sense, culture richness and spiritual growth of child.

If you could arrange visit to Mahabodhi School and walk through our campus will help you visualize your child in a school that embodies tradition and innovation and child friendly learning school. Thank you for taking time to discover Mysore Mahabodhi School.

– Ven.Kassappa Banteji
(President, MBSM)

– Ven.Kassappa Banteji

(President, MBSM)

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